Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Snakes

This is a photo my mom took in her backyard. Apparently, Mom has a family of little snakes in her yard. This is one of many in a series she took. The series started with only one snake stuck its head out of the whole, then two in the second picture, and then this picture. Mom told me that the snake on the top slithered out and down the hole and slithered in another hole behind the one showed here, and back into this one again. These snakes are loooonngg! I would also like to add that the hole these snakes are in is almost too small for my little pinky to fit inside.

I chose this picture because of the composition: the viewer sees the snakes first and then let their eyes wander throughout the rest of the photo where the patterns of the wood lead the viewers' eyes back to the snakes.

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