Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I like this photo because the concept is so simple. My grandma, mom and I got our picture taken where I was in front of Mom and Mom was in front of Grandma. Of course we were sitting and posing for the photo, but patterns like these are unique for the viewer because patterns help the brain put images into an understanding order rather than a mess of chaos.

This photo is unique because it is a photo of four frogs in a row; it makes a pattern. The viewer sees the largest frog first and then his/her eyes follow the next frog and so on until the last frog, where most of its body is underwater. Another real cool thing is that because the frogs are in water, they create reflections in the water which helps create depth in the photo. I also like that the frogs are the focal point; they aren't blurred out of view but the background is becuase the background isn't important.

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